Bienvenue! Nice to eat you.
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New addition
Recieved Hyesung's 2nd jib ( The Beginning, New Days )Special Edition today! pretty. =) Although I prefer his normal edition, he looks odd being rugged. That belongs to Eric only. And... this is my collection of Shinhwa CDs/DVDs .... Hahahahhaha. I cannot belive I am online now. I am such a lazy biatch. Its Saturday night 12.24pm, and exams commence on Monday. What I have to clear is: Management Science: 3 tutorials Statistics: 3 sets of notes, 4 sets of tutorials. Manaerial Economics: 10 sets notes & tutorials cuz i havent started. Time Left: 1 day. OMGGGGGGG. lazy bitch. I am going to try very hard to read all my econs notes TONIGHT. Actually I did read them sometime back cuz I remember game theory. Stats is going to be my worst module consperm. Hate. OK boring rants I stop here. Continue with stupid MSN conversations. Me: I am not really interested in guys atm. Ash: You like poor guys? Me: At the moment ( atm ) Eunice: I ordered 13 (or 9)shirts from Me: (out of concern) what mail are you using? Eunice: Hotmail. ........................................ Bye. Econs Lipton Econs Lipton Eton Lipcon is my son's name.
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Spinning Lady
Something interesting: THE Right Brain vs Left Brain test: do you see the dancer turning clockwise or anti-clockwise? Apparently, if you see it rotating clockwise, you use more of your right brain, anti clocwise left brain. SO I was in trauma when I found that in my eyes, the girl spinned in both directions. Clockwise anticlockwise clockwise anticlockwise. What it means to be left / right brain dominant LEFT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses logic detail oriented facts rule words and language present and past math and science can comprehend knowing acknowledges order/pattern perception knows object name reality based forms strategies practical safe RIGHT BRAIN FUNCTIONS uses feeling "big picture" oriented imagination rules symbols and images present and future philosophy & religion can "get it" (i.e. meaning) believes appreciates spatial perception knows object function fantasy based presents possibilities impetuous risk taking Anyway back to my life. Yesterday attempted to study with Nat @HongSuiSen but we used the room which meant we could talk to our hearts content and conquered only 2 sets of stats notes and 1 tutorial. I see my doom.
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eggsams.. can't be.
Okay my encephalon ceases to function for studies. My brain, heart, and grades all dedicate to Shinhwa Buzz Heechul, cramped like sai. Today I officially tried to start mugging but somewhere along the path of unproductivity I conveniently asserted myself that there's always tomorrow, tomorrow will be the real thing. Part of the blame also goes to my mother, who saw a sticky note I pasted on my desk ( Study Hard! ) and decided that my brother needed it more and stole it. Last night: To ash 11.06: I never study again.I start now ok. 11.27: The moment I start I feel sleepy. 12.29: I'm really too tired. Sleeps. This morn, To Dah: Me: I am going to fail until damn colorful. Dah: Fail only got 1 color. Red. A few days back: Me: I secretly look like mugger. Dah: Ya, last-second mugger. Anyway. Juliana sent me this... photo. Yark. I promise not to do cheese sign again. Dangerous. The exams will commence in approx a week. Please I need to feel it instead of knowing. Rip! Rip from Val's livejournal. [16 Nov 2007|11:11pm] I fly home tomorrow!
Anyway my dad sent me a text message and i told him i got fatter and he replied "My god! Better shape up baby."
haha i think he's worried i'm unrecognizable.
Ok i need to pack! Good bye leng zais and leng luis See you dudes and dudettes omg! <3 <3 See you! I.... actually enjoy life the way it is now. =)
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Sunday, I'm blue.
I have major issues to settle. 1. Refuses to sit,study. 2. When I do, I absorb anything less than 10%. There is no explanation so I conclude that I am conditioning myself for last minute mugging, which I must secretly enjoy. I am obscene. I seek comfort in that I have friends who think and act likewise, self-analysing our behavior which have lasted since the RGS days, and deriving an adequate answer that it must lie in the secondary school culture. I have spent 3 hours surfing the net on Lomographgy - which is super cool shit. I whip out and read random pages of Lesley Castle every few hours, because I am thrilled by the writings of a 16-year old Austen. I spend hours on Youtube oscillating between SH videos and WongKarWai, which means that my state of mind becomes highly unstable. Speaking of which I really want to watch Wkw's The Blueberry Nights. I was telling somebody of the intention, but I mistakenly said: I HAVE to watch Blue Strawberry Nights! Ormmm. Cannot forgive myself thistime. Like what in the world is a blue strawberry. Intellect. And yes, where is the mental capacity for such things as Marketing, Managerial Economics , Statistics and Management Science. Actually, I think I do rather enjoy Management Science. Statistics is beyond me but within my hate, Managerial Econs is boring because I only like macro-economics ( which makes all the sense in the world but I am not doing it, tragedy ), Marketing is a tedious chore, strings of repeating words and theories. At the moment Mangement Science is the only module that redeems itself, because it IS interesting, although it also happens to be a Level 2 Module. OH and did I forget to mention my 5th module, SingaporeStudies - Evolution of a Global City State. That is called suicide. In addition there is the benefit of encouraging weather: Topsy-turvy-torperrr. Very talkative brother: Trying to draw Dino Chan but realising the inherent potential in a photograph. You're SO distressd. In order: the dinosaur, pillar, and brick. To end off: Ryan, to me. Il parait que tu etait grenouille dans ta vie precedente.Trans: It seems that you were a frog in your last life.
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Today, studying @Hong Sui Sen. I did 2 chapters of marketing: Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management. It doesn't only sound alien, it also tends to look alien: and it's boring so i drew alien. Studying makes you bored, makes you sleepy. also makes you really ugly. Ugly. His head is also cut off because I am short. And we leave Hong Sui Sen behind us, when the sun is still bright.
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Before I sleep
It's now 11.20p.m, 8th November 07. Sleeping shortly. Lunch: Crystal Jade.... takeaway. Because I wanted to escape the Deepaval crowd, only Mom and Jason went and brought back for us. Takeaway dimsum is not dimsum ogay. And, my lunch was not only yam, it's because I only took 3 pics before my mom screamed at me to put my camera aside. The point of this bedtime story ( to myself ) is to show how immensely boring a blog entry can be.I yawn as I type. Robin's msn is spoilt, he can't type and therefore I see a feast of very, very ugly and angry handwritten msgs complaining simultaneously about msn and management science. Is making my eyelids gain weight. The second after I type this, exciting msn orange flash and i open Robin's chatroom window to find: Me: Your msn repair? Robin: no, its crazy. Robin: The following message could not be delivered to all recipients Robin: mad one, the server Robin: SEE Whine Redwine. On the other hand Felicia, whose Hyesung crush is now 4 days old is telling me that she wants hyesungs hair & cheeks, which is highly disturbing because, hyesung's cheeks are like the char siew bao I ate for lunch. Big, ample and well-inclined to burst. Like balloon. Bao. Explosive. SWOLLEN. Fel: I want to make my cheeks like him also. Me: Muahaha how to cheeks like him. Fel: Put food lor. **** this is hyesung: felicia want to be him. actually his cheeks look normal here. but i chose this pic because. i lazy find. lazy explain why i lazy find. Brain has clouds. karen * hwatheshin! says: sleep sleep spoon i meant sleepy, sleep soon. Shall now change blog song to Bao-face voice, which, according to felicia, is SEX. Night.
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Papergirl & Trashmouth
To explain: Ash tells me * about Christine, which I totally agree with & sends her a sms of acknowledgement. Christine: Hahaha. Ashlyn is like newpaper. Me: Yes. She's cheap and reliable. That explains it Ash, don't put words into my mouth! ***************************************************** Msn with XH: On academics and studies.Me: I think in uni people study. As in they are quite consistent, good grades. XH: I consistent also. Me: Ok good. XH: I don't study all the time. On my absence from her bday celebrations.XH: We missed you. XH: We tried to do your Karen frog smile. Me: I don't have. XH: Check your ezlink. XH: I will flash that at your wedding. XH: AND funeral. On Dahniela, who lost interest in a guy in less than a month.XH: She said its her longest one already. On a guy.XH: I thought his face was big. But his ass beats it. Me: Face big meh. XH: Ya he got long face. When he fat it was wide as well. *****************************************************
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What a Week
The week has been tedious. So much that I think my dream last night was nothing, but some tiresome cricket chirps. Chirp chirp. Chirp. The thrills of projects, assignments. Proximity of exams. I type in short sentences because I cannot think. M2M comes back to haunt in itunes so frequent it's eerie. Sore eye. Kept me away from Stardust last night, where BIZad was. All the gossips that could have been. Fortunately, I had eyes there. Exciting messages all night long make up for some of it. especially to Claire, thanks. =) Sore eye goes on to keep me from XH birthday celebrations. Class. I've always had bonded classes. Pimary School. Secondary. Junior College. Always nice people and lots of fun. It's been quite awhile since uni has started, but I see nothing, I feel nothing. I don't want my last stop to be my worst stop. Maybe we're too old to have mindless fun already, which keeps us running back to what we already have. On a lighter note, sore-eye confinement day was fun because that means quality time with family. We went insane making home videos, of which I sent one to Eunice as evidence that I do in-deed have 3 brothers, who are very much unlike me cuz they are nuts. In the videos I am ugly. Loud voice, I scare myself. Home Vid 1Mum's asking us to go down for a swim, but my ass has grown roots to the chair already. Me is in need of some G-dose. To end off, photo of my latest love. He is about the most adorable thing my eyes found.
Boys don't get any cuter than this. Randomness. Xuehao, on his first day@work in NTU: just now the machine i am cashier then was scanning the things then it show amount tendered 980,000.HIS ENGLISH.
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